Tuesday, 18 November 2014

What causes obesity? Finally - he said it.

I was pleased to hear, when watching another of the repeated lectures of Dr Lustig in the video at 38:07, that sugar does contribute to the obesity but it is not THE cause of obesity. 

What it was then?

As I kept saying: french fries and potato chips are the most obesogenic food stuffs. In other words: glucose based carbohydrates accompanied with a load of fat/oil, usually cheap processed oil. 

Added sugar is just one part of the whole problem and if people have stopped eating sugar and kept eating other processed food, which is also palatable enough, they would keep gaining weight. Depletion of beneficial nutrients and consuming excess of wrong nutrients (such as omega-6) would further contribute to the metabolic issues, even without the sugar present. These metabolic issues probably would not be as prevalent as they are now but we would hardly see their complete disappearance when sugar would disappear from the diet of these people. 

However, Dr Lustig only said that sugar is not the main cause of obesity and continued with his focus on the metabolic diseases as separate issues from obesity. According his and other scientists' views, if 20% of obese people do not suffer metabolic diseases right now, obesity is not a problem, because 40% of 'normal weight' people also suffer the same metabolic issues. And you could read in another of my articles that nothing was said about the proportion of overweight within the 'normal weight' group and the the prevalence of these metabolic issues among the overweight and the truly of normal weight (up to the BMI 25). But we know today that about half of those of 'normal weight' group are actually overweight.

To keep this post short and the topic intact, I will talk more about the obesity and its consequences in the next article. But before that you may want to refer to my older article where Dr Lustig tried to dismiss the fact the obesity has been pronounced as a disease on its own by the American Medical Association. 

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